Dear Friends, Music-lovers, Dance-makers, Chance-takers, Remote-shore-dwellers and Evolutionary-evidencers,

Today is the official release date for the remix, and remaster, of The Promise. This is also Earth Day across the globe. (… ever considered making a promise to the Earth?) On this end we are celebrating the end of a huge, completed, project (!!), as well as the raising our hats and hearts to the most happening planet we know of. 

Since returning to the States from the 13-month Artist-in-Residency in Austria, the first chapter of touring has been wrapped up. Meanwhile, radio and articles are coming around as The Promise goes into circulation. PopVulture has a write up to check out here.

The wheel of the year turns as parts of the earth continually catapult through space at 1675 km per hour or 465 meters per second. That’s 1,040 miles per hour. So, for every second, you are moving almost half a kilometer through space, and you don’t even feel it. Every second. On all fronts, it is impossible to ever say that nothing is going on.

The writing continues. The words and letters fall to the floor and escape out of the hands – scatter around the house and on the winding forest floor during expansive hikes. I carry a satchel much like the old fashioned scrabble letter holders to make sure none escape… until the time I can marry them to the page, and liberate them from their alienation. 


As always, much appreciation goes out to you. Music is  powerful for us. Thank you for sharing this particular needle and thread with me. 

All love,


For more tour information visit www.corinnewest.com





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